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Institutional Aid Appeal Form
Before starting this form, please visit the Institutional Aid Appeal page for an overview of the process and answers to frequently asked questions.

Every effort is made to assist students who demonstrate financial need. The majority of students, even with a successful appeal, find it necessary to utilize multiple forms of funding to meet their costs. Please develop a sound financial plan that you can implement regardless of the outcome of your appeal, and please do not rely on the results of an appeal before deciding to move forward with enrolling at Berklee.

*Only accepted or currently enrolled students may submit an appeal.

Note that Berklee Online students with a completed FAFSA on file can submit this form to have their special or unique circumstances considered for Federal Student Aid, but are not eligible to appeal for Berklee institutional funding.

Berklee IDs should be 7 digits (including 0's). Conservatory IDs should be 9 digits (including 0's)


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In your appeal letter, please provide the following information:
  • Details of your extenuating financial circumstances;
  • How your financial plan has been impacted;
  • How much funding you are seeking (institutional appeals only);
  • How the amount of funding you are seeking will help you get back on track with your financial plan. 
*Supporting documentation is optional for institutional aid appeals and should support the circumstances outlined in your appeal letter.